Modification of the State Horizontal Property Law

Date: 8 de December de 2022

The publication of Law 8/2013 of June 26 has come to adjust some aspects of the legislation that regulates Owner Communities. However, this text only affects buildings located outside Catalonia, since these are regulated by article 553 of Book Five of the Civil Code of Catalonia, without modification for now. It seems important to highlight that, since the entry into force of the Law, the responsibility of a new purchaser before the Community for the debts of the previous owner has been modified. Until now, it only reached the overdue part of the year of the acquisition and the previous year. From now on, this second section of liability has been extended to the three years prior to the date of acquisition. The reform responds to an obvious need to solve the lack of protection of Owners' Communities against delinquent owners. It is to be hoped that the Parliament of Catalonia will also modify this issue, which may not need to be postponed until the incorporation of other reforms that are certainly also interesting, but not as urgent as this one.

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